As the worship ministry of Church on The Living Edge, we are dedicated to being a ministry FOR ALL GENERATIONS dedicated to skillfully and consistently glorifying Jesus. Our goal is to raise the expectation - not to sing a few songs and not to entertain, but to intentionally empower and equip our church to lift a sound so big, that the earth shakes and the Glory fills the temple! We are the priests in the holies of holies kneeling before the ark.
Through our example and expression of worship we: Encounter God, Experience Transformation and our lives our Elevated
Imporant News & Updates
Stay up-to-date on the monthly schedule, team challenges, corporate prayers, special services, events, music and biblical resources and more
Service Info
Call Time: 8am
Soundcheck: 8am-8:45am
Pre-Service Prayer: 8:55am
Service Time: 9am
2nd Service:
Pre-Service Prayer: 11:10am
Please check dress-code - located in the posts for the month
If you are not in place by 8:10am ready to sing or play - you will not be able to sing - please notify your team leader and/or worship pastor if you will be late
You must be in position for Pre-Service prayer
You must sit-in and attend at least one-service on Sundays - If frontline you must attend at least one service whether on the schedule or not
Musicians must sit-in at least one service
Call Time: 6pm
Soundcheck: 6pm-6:45pm
Pre-Service Prayer: 6:55pm
Service Time: 7pm
Call Time: Always 1hr before the service start time - unless told differently
Soundcheck: Always 1hr before the service start time
Pre-Service Prayer: Always 5 mins before service start time
Service Time: TBD